Deep Waves was the first neuroscience-dance-tech performance in Germany, introducing live visuals generated from real-time transmission of a performer’s brain waves, while creating the soundscape with movements through the use of a motion-tracking device.
The multidisciplinary performance adapts ancestral rituals for today’s technology to explore primal ways of connecting. As a standpoint, it takes the “doble yo” (The Double Me) concept from the pre-Columbian San Agustin culture. Depicted as the figure of a naked standing warrior with the head of a jaguar on top, it symbolizes the magical power of the shaman. This creature embodies duality: Male and Female, Matter and Spirit, Rational and Instinctive, Universal, and Native. Deep Waves reflects on creating new rituals in order to reach - once again - the state when Mankind’s connection with nature was more tangible, its intuition better developed, and its culture gave more emphasis to human interaction.
Deep Waves (2017)
Direction & Performance José Fernando Andrade
Choreography & Performance Maria Pyatkova
Neurosensing Technology Willi Döring / Neurofox
Visuals Yoann Trellu
Composition & Sound Design Clément Destephen
Composition & Sampling Jorge Porras
Costumes & Motion Tracking Inception Jennifer Rudloff
Lighting Cheng-Ting Chen
Video Neirin Best, Jennifer Rudloff, Xavier Burrow
Photography Julian Ronenfeld, G. McReedem
Production Jessica Bush
The project was supported by the Internationales Theaterinstitut, the Mime Centrum Berlin & Art in Retail.